Saturday, September 29, 2007


OH MY....I just saw the CUTEST layout that y'all chic chickies are going to get to do in the spooktacular chic layout class...............holy COW...JUST you WAIT....I am totally in AWE..I hope that more people sign up...we have LOTS of space open in the is going to ROCK! beLiEvE Me! PRECIOUS..miss Pat has OUTDONE herself ONCE again! imagination project paper next week will be on is regularly $.65 so next is $.50 EACH sheet....YES this is THE new PAPER that we just got in...we are going to try and do a sale on some of the new stuff as it comes in...this paper is FAB! LOVIN it! I brought some home to PLAY with this weekend...HIGHLY unlikely I will get to play b/c it is FALL feSTivAL weekend...but a girl can HOPE...

I am Sad that I had to miss the CROP today at the FUMC...glad I bowed out early...b/c huntergirl came home from school yesterday crying about her ear hurtin' this morning..when I would have been setting up my booth at the all day crop...I was jetting to Denton to the doctor's office.......THANK goodness for SatUrDay OfFicE hours! EAR INFECTION number bagillion it seems....... email about the CLASS...spooktacular CHIC layouts! OH MY GOSH...y'all are going to be LOVIN' them! simply AWESOME! is a digital design diva in a contest...she has designed the CUTEST stuff EVER and the downloads are available for FREE...just leave her some love on the site....also...she has a link where you can VOTE on her newest design It's A Family Thing.... LOVIN' It...I have been eating it up..already made a few layouts with is available for $5 on the link that she provides on the for everyone that buys her download..that is a VOTE for her...she check it out! I better buzz....OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...i will repost b/c I forgot SoMETHING very important! tata...ash