Thursday, August 21, 2008

well hello again friends...

this is from krystal's THE SKY IS FALLING kit at Funky Playground Designs for the Teacher's Pet Contest...Our girl KH is TOTALLY rocking that place!!!!

i know i has been forever..and YES the subtle hints FINALLY worked..i am updating my what has been going on?! well, my summer is ovAHHHHHH was so awesome...getting to be a much FUN! Exciting stuff happened though.............

i am probably teaming up with one of my FAVORITE photographers........eVAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.... natalie K and i are going to work up some goodiez....and i am SOOO excited about that! check out her blog..her pictures are her!

I am a GUEST on Kay Miller's AwesomE team over at..YOU GUESSED IT...sweet shoppe designs...her stuff is SOOOO really it is SUPER cute! I made my outside of my classroom decor with her and manda's SHIPMATES kit..LOVE IT...their pirates are SOOOOOOOOoo cuTE!

I have been making lots of fun goodiez....but i just haven't posted them here RATS! You can check out my gallery at SSD :)

hope to see y'all soon....glad that you are visiting my blog regularly and checking on me :) makes me feel the LUB! :)

later taters.......
oh yeah and don't forget to check out YOURS TRULY on the Made ya LOOk gallery standouts at Faith Sisters.....WOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
**well, i am verging on death due to overly exhausted...Sooooo.copy and paste the happy birthday card for my MOM is on there..i used ZOE's kit forget me not..from the Sweet Shoppe :) lOVE IT!